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Hawaiian Christmas: The Flight

Lets just say I was nervous for our flight to hawaii. Very nervous.

a two year old
a four month old
and me. 
just me.

I tried to prepare well. I packed what felt like a million things for Kala to do on the flight. coloring, cars with a track, movies, games on the tablet, books, I'm sure there were other things i just can't remember. I thought I was prepared. 

I carried benson in the Bjorn so that I wasn't having to navigate a stroller, Kala, and our carry-ons.

I loaded the airplane first.

I got us all situated.

Benson was hungry. But I was trying to hold him off so that he would eat while we were taking off so his ears wouldn't hurt. He was really fussy. crying. not loud. but was crying. I kept getting the nastiest looks as everyone started loading onto the plane. i kept saying. "He's really a happy baby, he's jut hungry. Don't worry he's really a happy baby." I think it was more for myself than for everyone else. Thinking in my head the entire time. Please be happy. Please don't cry the whole flight. Please just be hungry. Please be happy...

Ya, kala went through everything in the first half hour... besides the movies, which decided not work. awesome. He was on a crazy over energized high from getting woken up so early. This kid was going a million miles an hour in a tiny airplane seat. I kept looking at my clock. "ok only 6 more hours."...." Ok only five hours and 55 minutes.".... "Ok only five hours and 47 minutes."... get the gist? 

At least Benson wasn't screaming! He was being relatively good but was very upset with kala for waking him up.

I kept trying to get kala to close his eyes and take a nap. Ya that wasn't happening. He was on an airplane full of fun!

Finally, yes an hour and a half before landing, I looked him in the eyes and said "YOU HAVE GOT TO LAY DOWN, RELAX, AND CLOSE YOUR EYES". he took an hour nap and Benson finally got to nap as well.

When we got off that flight I just kept thinking in my head. WE MADE IT. IT'S OVER. WE MADE IT. IT'S OVER! Heaven.


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