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[the beginning of our eternity]


One day I was just having the HARDEST day and my sweet husband just had these delivered to me. Oh how i Love him!Playing with the cousins!
The king of "packing" or should I say CLIMBING!!

Well we moved out of our little house in hawaii! We were so busy packing up since we decided (because of a few events) that we would be going to arizona WAAAAY sooner than we expected and we left two weeks from when we decided! I couldn't post for one because we were so busy AND because it was a big surprise for my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary! Soo much fun! I can't help but feel in limbo at the moment since we packed up our things in hawaii and it is currently resting in my in-laws garage while the other half of our stuff is still in my parents bear's den and we have NO IDEA whether we'll be in Arizona or Hawaii in the fall for Kaulana's school! We are enjoying the ride and just have faith that Heavenly Father knows where we are going even if we don't know yet!


Jessica O. said...

it was soooooo good to see you guys if only for a few short min at the party! hope we can come visit again soon. Good luck with school :)

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