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Granola... or Gorilla?

So I just needed to record a little bit of Kala the past couple weeks... he is just so funny.
So I LOVE to snack on a little gluten free granola. Turns out Kala does too! One day he was begging to try so, I totally thought he wouldn't like it, but he LOVED it. And I told him it was granola, he thought I said Gorilla. So he continued to ask for more, GORILLA as he pounded his chest and made a gorilla sound. haha. He continues to this day to grab the bag and act like a Gorilla, as he sweetly is asking for Granola. 
Second, the past few days he has discovered how to end words that end with "s". So instead of saying "bu" he says "busss" and yesterday he started saying "nice" instead of "ni" with a huge enuciation on the ce... bahaha. He walks around all day saying "bus"... i mean seriously ALL DAY. That's all he talks about. 
And lastly, I can't believe my sweet boy is going to be two on Sunday! We have been practicing saying two, and trying to make the hand motions, he puts his hand out (all five fingers) and says "DOOO!" As if he needs to yell it. He's so cute. How did I get so lucky with such a sweet little boy.


Jessica O. said...

hahaha that is hilarious!

jenni said...

I love that baby!

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