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[the beginning of our eternity]

A temporary loss

My sweet Grandma Shumway passed away a few weeks ago. My sister Melissa and I along with two of her kids and my sweet Kala drove out to be with our Okie family. She was one of the most beautiful caring, service oriented, shopaholic, kind hearted women I have ever known. She truly taught me some of the most valuable characteristics of the kind of person that I aim to be. I know most of you don't know her but, I felt I needed to say something for a while, but I just couldn't put into words how I was feeling. I tend to distance myself from everyone else, and kind of "lock myself in a corner" if that makes sense when I am feeling this way. And I think I finally figured out why I was feeling so distraught over her passing, because I KNOW I will see her again, but as I watched them put her veil over her face and close her casket, I felt part of my just completely shut down. Her services were just so beautiful, she was SO beautiful. I just couldn't seem to get her face out of my head every time I closed my eyes all I saw was her. As I have tried to figure out what the heck I'm feeling and how to move forward, I think I just came to realize how much I was like my grandma and how much I have aimed to transform my life into the person she was. My whole life I have been told just how much I am like my mom. Which if you have ever seen us, we are just twins it seems like. But having not really lived by the Shumway side, I never came to realize, how much more there was to me, a whole other side of me, that I truly am. Between the Shumway celiacs that I've discovered I have and the characteristics that I find in myself that I so cherished in my grandma... I am a Shumway too. I will miss my sweet grandma but I am so grateful for the knowledge I have of eternal families and being able to be together again. 


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